Source code for phate.plot

# author: Daniel Burkhardt <>
# (C) 2017 Krishnaswamy Lab GPLv2

# Plotting convenience functions
from __future__ import print_function, division
from .phate import PHATE
import warnings
import scprep
from deprecated import deprecated

    import anndata
except ImportError:
    # anndata not installed

def _get_plot_data(data, ndim=None):
    """Get plot data out of an input object

    data : array-like, `phate.PHATE` or `scanpy.AnnData`
    ndim : int, optional (default: None)
        Minimum number of dimensions
    out = data
    if isinstance(data, PHATE):
        out = data.transform()
            if isinstance(data, anndata.AnnData):
                    out = data.obsm["X_phate"]
                except KeyError:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "data.obsm['X_phate'] not found. "
                        "Please run `` before plotting."
        except NameError:
            # anndata not installed
    if ndim is not None and out[0].shape[0] < ndim:
        if isinstance(data, PHATE):
            out = data.transform()
            raise ValueError(
                "Expected at least {}-dimensional data, got {}".format(
                    ndim, out[0].shape[0]
    return out

[docs]@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use scprep.plot.scatter instead") def scatter( x, y, z=None, c=None, cmap=None, s=None, discrete=None, ax=None, legend=None, figsize=None, xticks=False, yticks=False, zticks=False, xticklabels=True, yticklabels=True, zticklabels=True, label_prefix="PHATE", xlabel=None, ylabel=None, zlabel=None, title=None, legend_title="", legend_loc="best", filename=None, dpi=None, **plot_kwargs ): """Create a scatter plot Builds upon `matplotlib.pyplot.scatter` with nice defaults and handles categorical colors / legends better. For easy access, use `scatter2d` or `scatter3d`. Parameters ---------- x : list-like data for x axis y : list-like data for y axis z : list-like, optional (default: None) data for z axis c : list-like or None, optional (default: None) Color vector. Can be a single color value (RGB, RGBA, or named matplotlib colors), an array of these of length n_samples, or a list of discrete or continuous values of any data type. If `c` is not a single or list of matplotlib colors, the values in `c` will be used to populate the legend / colorbar with colors from `cmap` cmap : `matplotlib` colormap, str, dict or None, optional (default: None) matplotlib colormap. If None, uses `tab20` for discrete data and `inferno` for continuous data. If a dictionary, expects one key for every unique value in `c`, where values are valid matplotlib colors (hsv, rbg, rgba, or named colors) s : float, optional (default: 1) Point size. discrete : bool or None, optional (default: None) If True, the legend is categorical. If False, the legend is a colorbar. If None, discreteness is detected automatically. Data containing non-numeric `c` is always discrete, and numeric data with 20 or less unique values is discrete. ax : `matplotlib.Axes` or None, optional (default: None) axis on which to plot. If None, an axis is created legend : bool, optional (default: True) States whether or not to create a legend. If data is continuous, the legend is a colorbar. figsize : tuple, optional (default: None) Tuple of floats for creation of new `matplotlib` figure. Only used if `ax` is None. xticks : True, False, or list-like (default: False) If True, keeps default x ticks. If False, removes x ticks. If a list, sets custom x ticks yticks : True, False, or list-like (default: False) If True, keeps default y ticks. If False, removes y ticks. If a list, sets custom y ticks zticks : True, False, or list-like (default: False) If True, keeps default z ticks. If False, removes z ticks. If a list, sets custom z ticks. Only used for 3D plots. xticklabels : True, False, or list-like (default: True) If True, keeps default x tick labels. If False, removes x tick labels. If a list, sets custom x tick labels yticklabels : True, False, or list-like (default: True) If True, keeps default y tick labels. If False, removes y tick labels. If a list, sets custom y tick labels zticklabels : True, False, or list-like (default: True) If True, keeps default z tick labels. If False, removes z tick labels. If a list, sets custom z tick labels. Only used for 3D plots. label_prefix : str or None (default: "PHATE") Prefix for all axis labels. Axes will be labelled `label_prefix`1, `label_prefix`2, etc. Can be overriden by setting `xlabel`, `ylabel`, and `zlabel`. xlabel : str or None (default : None) Label for the x axis. Overrides the automatic label given by label_prefix. If None and label_prefix is None, no label is set. ylabel : str or None (default : None) Label for the y axis. Overrides the automatic label given by label_prefix. If None and label_prefix is None, no label is set. zlabel : str or None (default : None) Label for the z axis. Overrides the automatic label given by label_prefix. If None and label_prefix is None, no label is set. Only used for 3D plots. title : str or None (default: None) axis title. If None, no title is set. legend_title : str (default: "") title for the colorbar of legend. Only used for discrete data. legend_loc : int or string or pair of floats, default: 'best' Matplotlib legend location. Only used for discrete data. See <> for details. filename : str or None (default: None) file to which the output is saved dpi : int or None, optional (default: None) The resolution in dots per inch. If None it will default to the value savefig.dpi in the matplotlibrc file. If 'figure' it will set the dpi to be the value of the figure. Only used if filename is not None. **plot_kwargs : keyword arguments Extra arguments passed to `matplotlib.pyplot.scatter`. Returns ------- ax : `matplotlib.Axes` axis on which plot was drawn Examples -------- >>> import phate >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> ### >>> # Running PHATE >>> ### >>> tree_data, tree_clusters = phate.tree.gen_dla(n_dim=100, n_branch=20, ... branch_length=100) >>> tree_data.shape (2000, 100) >>> phate_operator = phate.PHATE(k=5, a=20, t=150) >>> tree_phate = phate_operator.fit_transform(tree_data) >>> tree_phate.shape (2000, 2) >>> ### >>> # Plotting using phate.plot >>> ### >>> phate.plot.scatter2d(tree_phate, c=tree_clusters) >>> # You can also pass the PHATE operator instead of data >>> phate.plot.scatter2d(phate_operator, c=tree_clusters) >>> phate.plot.scatter3d(phate_operator, c=tree_clusters) >>> ### >>> # Using a cmap dictionary >>> ### >>> import numpy as np >>> X = np.random.normal(0,1,[1000,2]) >>> c = np.random.choice(['a','b'], 1000, replace=True) >>> X[c=='a'] += 10 >>> phate.plot.scatter2d(X, c=c, cmap={'a' : [1,0,0,1], 'b' : 'xkcd:sky blue'}) """ return scprep.plot.scatter( x=x, y=y, z=z, c=c, cmap=cmap, s=s, discrete=discrete, ax=ax, legend=legend, figsize=figsize, xticks=xticks, yticks=yticks, zticks=zticks, xticklabels=xticklabels, yticklabels=yticklabels, zticklabels=zticklabels, label_prefix=label_prefix, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, zlabel=zlabel, title=title, legend_title=legend_title, legend_loc=legend_loc, filename=filename, dpi=dpi, **plot_kwargs )
[docs]@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use scprep.plot.scatter2d instead") def scatter2d(data, **kwargs): """Create a 2D scatter plot Builds upon `matplotlib.pyplot.scatter` with nice defaults and handles categorical colors / legends better. Parameters ---------- data : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_features] Input data. Only the first two components will be used. c : list-like or None, optional (default: None) Color vector. Can be a single color value (RGB, RGBA, or named matplotlib colors), an array of these of length n_samples, or a list of discrete or continuous values of any data type. If `c` is not a single or list of matplotlib colors, the values in `c` will be used to populate the legend / colorbar with colors from `cmap` cmap : `matplotlib` colormap, str, dict or None, optional (default: None) matplotlib colormap. If None, uses `tab20` for discrete data and `inferno` for continuous data. If a dictionary, expects one key for every unique value in `c`, where values are valid matplotlib colors (hsv, rbg, rgba, or named colors) s : float, optional (default: 1) Point size. discrete : bool or None, optional (default: None) If True, the legend is categorical. If False, the legend is a colorbar. If None, discreteness is detected automatically. Data containing non-numeric `c` is always discrete, and numeric data with 20 or less unique values is discrete. ax : `matplotlib.Axes` or None, optional (default: None) axis on which to plot. If None, an axis is created legend : bool, optional (default: True) States whether or not to create a legend. If data is continuous, the legend is a colorbar. figsize : tuple, optional (default: None) Tuple of floats for creation of new `matplotlib` figure. Only used if `ax` is None. xticks : True, False, or list-like (default: False) If True, keeps default x ticks. If False, removes x ticks. If a list, sets custom x ticks yticks : True, False, or list-like (default: False) If True, keeps default y ticks. If False, removes y ticks. If a list, sets custom y ticks zticks : True, False, or list-like (default: False) If True, keeps default z ticks. If False, removes z ticks. If a list, sets custom z ticks. Only used for 3D plots. xticklabels : True, False, or list-like (default: True) If True, keeps default x tick labels. If False, removes x tick labels. If a list, sets custom x tick labels yticklabels : True, False, or list-like (default: True) If True, keeps default y tick labels. If False, removes y tick labels. If a list, sets custom y tick labels zticklabels : True, False, or list-like (default: True) If True, keeps default z tick labels. If False, removes z tick labels. If a list, sets custom z tick labels. Only used for 3D plots. label_prefix : str or None (default: "PHATE") Prefix for all axis labels. Axes will be labelled `label_prefix`1, `label_prefix`2, etc. Can be overriden by setting `xlabel`, `ylabel`, and `zlabel`. xlabel : str or None (default : None) Label for the x axis. Overrides the automatic label given by label_prefix. If None and label_prefix is None, no label is set. ylabel : str or None (default : None) Label for the y axis. Overrides the automatic label given by label_prefix. If None and label_prefix is None, no label is set. zlabel : str or None (default : None) Label for the z axis. Overrides the automatic label given by label_prefix. If None and label_prefix is None, no label is set. Only used for 3D plots. title : str or None (default: None) axis title. If None, no title is set. legend_title : str (default: "") title for the colorbar of legend legend_loc : int or string or pair of floats, default: 'best' Matplotlib legend location. Only used for discrete data. See <> for details. filename : str or None (default: None) file to which the output is saved dpi : int or None, optional (default: None) The resolution in dots per inch. If None it will default to the value savefig.dpi in the matplotlibrc file. If 'figure' it will set the dpi to be the value of the figure. Only used if filename is not None. **plot_kwargs : keyword arguments Extra arguments passed to `matplotlib.pyplot.scatter`. Returns ------- ax : `matplotlib.Axes` axis on which plot was drawn Examples -------- >>> import phate >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> ### >>> # Running PHATE >>> ### >>> tree_data, tree_clusters = phate.tree.gen_dla(n_dim=100, n_branch=20, ... branch_length=100) >>> tree_data.shape (2000, 100) >>> phate_operator = phate.PHATE(k=5, a=20, t=150) >>> tree_phate = phate_operator.fit_transform(tree_data) >>> tree_phate.shape (2000, 2) >>> ### >>> # Plotting using phate.plot >>> ### >>> phate.plot.scatter2d(tree_phate, c=tree_clusters) >>> # You can also pass the PHATE operator instead of data >>> phate.plot.scatter2d(phate_operator, c=tree_clusters) >>> phate.plot.scatter3d(phate_operator, c=tree_clusters) >>> ### >>> # Using a cmap dictionary >>> ### >>> import numpy as np >>> X = np.random.normal(0,1,[1000,2]) >>> c = np.random.choice(['a','b'], 1000, replace=True) >>> X[c=='a'] += 10 >>> phate.plot.scatter2d(X, c=c, cmap={'a' : [1,0,0,1], 'b' : 'xkcd:sky blue'}) """ data = _get_plot_data(data, ndim=2) return scprep.plot.scatter2d(data, **kwargs)
[docs]@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use scprep.plot.scatter3d instead") def scatter3d(data, **kwargs): """Create a 3D scatter plot Builds upon `matplotlib.pyplot.scatter` with nice defaults and handles categorical colors / legends better. Parameters ---------- data : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_features] to be the value of the figure. Only used if filename is not None. Input data. Only the first three components will be used. c : list-like or None, optional (default: None) Color vector. Can be a single color value (RGB, RGBA, or named matplotlib colors), an array of these of length n_samples, or a list of discrete or continuous values of any data type. If `c` is not a single or list of matplotlib colors, the values in `c` will be used to populate the legend / colorbar with colors from `cmap` cmap : `matplotlib` colormap, str, dict or None, optional (default: None) matplotlib colormap. If None, uses `tab20` for discrete data and `inferno` for continuous data. If a dictionary, expects one key for every unique value in `c`, where values are valid matplotlib colors (hsv, rbg, rgba, or named colors) s : float, optional (default: 1) Point size. discrete : bool or None, optional (default: None) If True, the legend is categorical. If False, the legend is a colorbar. If None, discreteness is detected automatically. Data containing non-numeric `c` is always discrete, and numeric data with 20 or less unique values is discrete. ax : `matplotlib.Axes` or None, optional (default: None) axis on which to plot. If None, an axis is created legend : bool, optional (default: True) States whether or not to create a legend. If data is continuous, the legend is a colorbar. figsize : tuple, optional (default: None) Tuple of floats for creation of new `matplotlib` figure. Only used if `ax` is None. xticks : True, False, or list-like (default: False) If True, keeps default x ticks. If False, removes x ticks. If a list, sets custom x ticks yticks : True, False, or list-like (default: False) If True, keeps default y ticks. If False, removes y ticks. If a list, sets custom y ticks zticks : True, False, or list-like (default: False) If True, keeps default z ticks. If False, removes z ticks. If a list, sets custom z ticks. Only used for 3D plots. xticklabels : True, False, or list-like (default: True) If True, keeps default x tick labels. If False, removes x tick labels. If a list, sets custom x tick labels yticklabels : True, False, or list-like (default: True) If True, keeps default y tick labels. If False, removes y tick labels. If a list, sets custom y tick labels zticklabels : True, False, or list-like (default: True) If True, keeps default z tick labels. If False, removes z tick labels. If a list, sets custom z tick labels. Only used for 3D plots. label_prefix : str or None (default: "PHATE") Prefix for all axis labels. Axes will be labelled `label_prefix`1, `label_prefix`2, etc. Can be overriden by setting `xlabel`, `ylabel`, and `zlabel`. xlabel : str or None (default : None) Label for the x axis. Overrides the automatic label given by label_prefix. If None and label_prefix is None, no label is set. ylabel : str or None (default : None) Label for the y axis. Overrides the automatic label given by label_prefix. If None and label_prefix is None, no label is set. zlabel : str or None (default : None) Label for the z axis. Overrides the automatic label given by label_prefix. If None and label_prefix is None, no label is set. Only used for 3D plots. title : str or None (default: None) axis title. If None, no title is set. legend_title : str (default: "") title for the colorbar of legend legend_loc : int or string or pair of floats, default: 'best' Matplotlib legend location. Only used for discrete data. See <> for details. filename : str or None (default: None) file to which the output is saved dpi : int or None, optional (default: None) The resolution in dots per inch. If None it will default to the value savefig.dpi in the matplotlibrc file. If 'figure' it will set the dpi to be the value of the figure. Only used if filename is not None. **plot_kwargs : keyword arguments Extra arguments passed to `matplotlib.pyplot.scatter`. Returns ------- ax : `matplotlib.Axes` axis on which plot was drawn Examples -------- >>> import phate >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> ### >>> # Running PHATE >>> ### >>> tree_data, tree_clusters = phate.tree.gen_dla(n_dim=100, n_branch=20, ... branch_length=100) >>> tree_data.shape (2000, 100) >>> phate_operator = phate.PHATE(k=5, a=20, t=150) >>> tree_phate = phate_operator.fit_transform(tree_data) >>> tree_phate.shape (2000, 2) >>> ### >>> # Plotting using phate.plot >>> ### >>> phate.plot.scatter2d(tree_phate, c=tree_clusters) >>> # You can also pass the PHATE operator instead of data >>> phate.plot.scatter2d(phate_operator, c=tree_clusters) >>> phate.plot.scatter3d(phate_operator, c=tree_clusters) >>> ### >>> # Using a cmap dictionary >>> ### >>> import numpy as np >>> X = np.random.normal(0,1,[1000,2]) >>> c = np.random.choice(['a','b'], 1000, replace=True) >>> X[c=='a'] += 10 >>> phate.plot.scatter2d(X, c=c, cmap={'a' : [1,0,0,1], 'b' : 'xkcd:sky blue'}) """ data = _get_plot_data(data, ndim=3) return scprep.plot.scatter3d(data, **kwargs)
[docs]@deprecated(version="1.0.0", reason="Use scprep.plot.rotate_scatter3d instead") def rotate_scatter3d( data, filename=None, elev=30, rotation_speed=30, fps=10, ax=None, figsize=None, dpi=None, ipython_html="jshtml", **kwargs ): """Create a rotating 3D scatter plot Builds upon `matplotlib.pyplot.scatter` with nice defaults and handles categorical colors / legends better. Parameters ---------- data : array-like, `phate.PHATE` or `scanpy.AnnData` Input data. Only the first three dimensions are used. filename : str, optional (default: None) If not None, saves a .gif or .mp4 with the output elev : float, optional (default: 30) Elevation of viewpoint from horizontal, in degrees rotation_speed : float, optional (default: 30) Speed of axis rotation, in degrees per second fps : int, optional (default: 10) Frames per second. Increase this for a smoother animation ax : `matplotlib.Axes` or None, optional (default: None) axis on which to plot. If None, an axis is created figsize : tuple, optional (default: None) Tuple of floats for creation of new `matplotlib` figure. Only used if `ax` is None. dpi : number, optional (default: None) Controls the dots per inch for the movie frames. This combined with the figure's size in inches controls the size of the movie. If None, defaults to rcParams["savefig.dpi"] ipython_html : {'html5', 'jshtml'} which html writer to use if using a Jupyter Notebook **kwargs : keyword arguments See :~func:`phate.plot.scatter3d`. Returns ------- ani : `matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation` animation object Examples -------- >>> import phate >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> tree_data, tree_clusters = phate.tree.gen_dla(n_dim=100, n_branch=20, ... branch_length=100) >>> tree_data.shape (2000, 100) >>> phate_operator = phate.PHATE(n_components=3, k=5, a=20, t=150) >>> tree_phate = phate_operator.fit_transform(tree_data) >>> tree_phate.shape (2000, 2) >>> phate.plot.rotate_scatter3d(tree_phate, c=tree_clusters) """ data = _get_plot_data(data, ndim=3) return scprep.plot.rotate_scatter3d( data, filename=filename, elev=elev, rotation_speed=rotation_speed, fps=fps, ax=ax, figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi, ipython_html=ipython_html, **kwargs )