Source code for phate.phate

Potential of Heat-diffusion for Affinity-based Trajectory Embedding (PHATE)

# author: Daniel Burkhardt <>
# (C) 2017 Krishnaswamy Lab GPLv2
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import

import numpy as np
import graphtools
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
from sklearn.exceptions import NotFittedError
from scipy import sparse
import warnings
import tasklogger

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from . import utils, vne, mds

    import anndata
except ImportError:
    # anndata not installed

    import pygsp
except ImportError:
    # anndata not installed

_logger = tasklogger.get_tasklogger("graphtools")

[docs]class PHATE(BaseEstimator): """PHATE operator which performs dimensionality reduction. Potential of Heat-diffusion for Affinity-based Trajectory Embedding (PHATE) embeds high dimensional single-cell data into two or three dimensions for visualization of biological progressions as described in Moon et al, 2017 [1]_. Parameters ---------- n_components : int, optional, default: 2 number of dimensions in which the data will be embedded knn : int, optional, default: 5 number of nearest neighbors on which to build kernel decay : int, optional, default: 40 sets decay rate of kernel tails. If None, alpha decaying kernel is not used n_landmark : int, optional, default: 2000 number of landmarks to use in fast PHATE t : int, optional, default: 'auto' power to which the diffusion operator is powered. This sets the level of diffusion. If 'auto', t is selected according to the knee point in the Von Neumann Entropy of the diffusion operator gamma : float, optional, default: 1 Informational distance constant between -1 and 1. `gamma=1` gives the PHATE log potential, `gamma=0` gives a square root potential. n_pca : int, optional, default: 100 Number of principal components to use for calculating neighborhoods. For extremely large datasets, using n_pca < 20 allows neighborhoods to be calculated in roughly log(n_samples) time. mds_solver : {'sgd', 'smacof'}, optional (default: 'sgd') which solver to use for metric MDS. SGD is substantially faster, but produces slightly less optimal results. Note that SMACOF was used for all figures in the PHATE paper. knn_dist : string, optional, default: 'euclidean' recommended values: 'euclidean', 'cosine', 'precomputed' Any metric from `scipy.spatial.distance` can be used distance metric for building kNN graph. Custom distance functions of form `f(x, y) = d` are also accepted. If 'precomputed', `data` should be an n_samples x n_samples distance or affinity matrix. Distance matrices are assumed to have zeros down the diagonal, while affinity matrices are assumed to have non-zero values down the diagonal. This is detected automatically using `data[0,0]`. You can override this detection with `knn_dist='precomputed_distance'` or `knn_dist='precomputed_affinity'`. knn_max : int, optional, default: None Maximum number of neighbors for which alpha decaying kernel is computed for each point. For very large datasets, setting `knn_max` to a small multiple of `knn` can speed up computation significantly. mds_dist : string, optional, default: 'euclidean' Distance metric for MDS. Recommended values: 'euclidean' and 'cosine' Any metric from `scipy.spatial.distance` can be used. Custom distance functions of form `f(x, y) = d` are also accepted mds : string, optional, default: 'metric' choose from ['classic', 'metric', 'nonmetric']. Selects which MDS algorithm is used for dimensionality reduction n_jobs : integer, optional, default: 1 The number of jobs to use for the computation. If -1 all CPUs are used. If 1 is given, no parallel computing code is used at all, which is useful for debugging. For n_jobs below -1, (n_cpus + 1 + n_jobs) are used. Thus for n_jobs = -2, all CPUs but one are used random_state : integer or numpy.RandomState, optional, default: None The generator used to initialize SMACOF (metric, nonmetric) MDS If an integer is given, it fixes the seed Defaults to the global `numpy` random number generator verbose : `int` or `boolean`, optional (default: 1) If `True` or `> 0`, print status messages potential_method : deprecated. Use `gamma=1` for log transformation and `gamma=0` for square root transformation. kwargs : additional arguments for `graphtools.Graph` Attributes ---------- X : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_dimensions] embedding : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_components] Stores the position of the dataset in the embedding space graph : graphtools.base.BaseGraph The graph built on the input data optimal_t : int The automatically selected t, when t = 'auto'. When t is given, optimal_t is None. Examples -------- >>> import phate >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> tree_data, tree_clusters = phate.tree.gen_dla(n_dim=100, n_branch=20, ... branch_length=100) >>> tree_data.shape (2000, 100) >>> phate_operator = phate.PHATE(knn=5, decay=20, t=150) >>> tree_phate = phate_operator.fit_transform(tree_data) >>> tree_phate.shape (2000, 2) >>> phate.plot.scatter2d(tree_phate, c=tree_clusters) References ---------- .. [1] Moon KR, van Dijk D, Zheng W, *et al.* (2017), *PHATE: A Dimensionality Reduction Method for Visualizing Trajectory Structures in High-Dimensional Biological Data*, `BioRxiv <>`_. """ def __init__( self, n_components=2, knn=5, decay=40, n_landmark=2000, t="auto", gamma=1, n_pca=100, mds_solver="sgd", knn_dist="euclidean", knn_max=None, mds_dist="euclidean", mds="metric", n_jobs=1, random_state=None, verbose=1, **kwargs ): if "k" in kwargs: warnings.warn("k is deprecated. Please use knn in future.", FutureWarning) knn = kwargs["k"] del kwargs["k"] if "a" in kwargs: warnings.warn("a is deprecated. Please use decay in future.", FutureWarning) decay = kwargs["a"] del kwargs["a"] self.n_components = n_components self.decay = decay self.knn = knn self.t = t self.n_landmark = n_landmark self.mds = mds self.n_pca = n_pca self.knn_dist = knn_dist self.knn_max = knn_max self.mds_dist = mds_dist self.mds_solver = mds_solver self.random_state = random_state self.kwargs = kwargs self.graph = None self._diff_potential = None self.embedding = None self.X = None self.optimal_t = None if "alpha_decay" in kwargs: warnings.warn( "alpha_decay is deprecated. Use `decay=None`" " to disable alpha decay in future.", FutureWarning, ) if not kwargs["alpha_decay"]: self.decay = None del kwargs["alpha_decay"] if "njobs" in kwargs: warnings.warn( "njobs is deprecated. Please use n_jobs in future.", FutureWarning ) n_jobs = kwargs["njobs"] del kwargs["njobs"] self.n_jobs = n_jobs if "potential_method" in kwargs: if kwargs["potential_method"] == "log": gamma = 1 elif kwargs["potential_method"] == "sqrt": gamma = 0 else: raise ValueError( "potential_method {} not recognized. Please " "use gamma between -1 and 1".format(kwargs["potential_method"]) ) warnings.warn( "potential_method is deprecated. " "Setting gamma to {} to achieve" " {} transformation.".format(gamma, kwargs["potential_method"]), FutureWarning, ) del kwargs["potential_method"] elif gamma > 0.99 and gamma < 1: warnings.warn( "0.99 < gamma < 1 is numerically unstable. " "Setting gamma to 0.99", RuntimeWarning, ) gamma = 0.99 self.gamma = gamma if verbose is True: verbose = 1 elif verbose is False: verbose = 0 self.verbose = verbose self._check_params() _logger.set_level(verbose) @property def diff_op(self): """diff_op : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_samples] or [n_landmark, n_landmark] The diffusion operator built from the graph """ if self.graph is not None: if isinstance(self.graph, graphtools.graphs.LandmarkGraph): diff_op = self.graph.landmark_op else: diff_op = self.graph.diff_op if sparse.issparse(diff_op): diff_op = diff_op.toarray() return diff_op else: raise NotFittedError( "This PHATE instance is not fitted yet. Call " "'fit' with appropriate arguments before " "using this method." ) @property def diff_potential(self): """Interpolates the PHATE potential to one entry per cell This is equivalent to calculating infinite-dimensional PHATE, or running PHATE without the MDS step. Returns ------- diff_potential : ndarray, shape=[n_samples, min(n_landmark, n_samples)] """ diff_potential = self._calculate_potential() if isinstance(self.graph, graphtools.graphs.LandmarkGraph): diff_potential = self.graph.interpolate(diff_potential) return diff_potential def _check_params(self): """Check PHATE parameters This allows us to fail early - otherwise certain unacceptable parameter choices, such as mds='mmds', would only fail after minutes of runtime. Raises ------ ValueError : unacceptable choice of parameters """ utils.check_positive(n_components=self.n_components, knn=self.knn) utils.check_int( n_components=self.n_components, knn=self.knn, n_jobs=self.n_jobs ) utils.check_between(-1, 1, gamma=self.gamma) utils.check_if_not(None, utils.check_positive, decay=self.decay) utils.check_if_not( None, utils.check_positive, utils.check_int, n_landmark=self.n_landmark, n_pca=self.n_pca, knn_max=self.knn_max, ) utils.check_if_not("auto", utils.check_positive, utils.check_int, t=self.t) if not callable(self.knn_dist): utils.check_in( [ "euclidean", "precomputed", "cosine", "correlation", "cityblock", "l1", "l2", "manhattan", "braycurtis", "canberra", "chebyshev", "dice", "hamming", "jaccard", "kulsinski", "mahalanobis", "matching", "minkowski", "rogerstanimoto", "russellrao", "seuclidean", "sokalmichener", "sokalsneath", "sqeuclidean", "yule", "precomputed_affinity", "precomputed_distance", ], knn_dist=self.knn_dist, ) if not callable(self.mds_dist): utils.check_in( [ "euclidean", "cosine", "correlation", "braycurtis", "canberra", "chebyshev", "cityblock", "dice", "hamming", "jaccard", "kulsinski", "mahalanobis", "matching", "minkowski", "rogerstanimoto", "russellrao", "seuclidean", "sokalmichener", "sokalsneath", "sqeuclidean", "yule", ], mds_dist=self.mds_dist, ) utils.check_in(["classic", "metric", "nonmetric"], mds=self.mds) utils.check_in(["sgd", "smacof"], mds_solver=self.mds_solver) def _set_graph_params(self, **params): try: self.graph.set_params(**params) except AttributeError: # graph not defined pass def _reset_graph(self): self.graph = None self._reset_potential() def _reset_potential(self): self._diff_potential = None self._reset_embedding() def _reset_embedding(self): self.embedding = None
[docs] def set_params(self, **params): """Set the parameters on this estimator. Any parameters not given as named arguments will be left at their current value. Parameters ---------- n_components : int, optional, default: 2 number of dimensions in which the data will be embedded knn : int, optional, default: 5 number of nearest neighbors on which to build kernel decay : int, optional, default: 40 sets decay rate of kernel tails. If None, alpha decaying kernel is not used n_landmark : int, optional, default: 2000 number of landmarks to use in fast PHATE t : int, optional, default: 'auto' power to which the diffusion operator is powered. This sets the level of diffusion. If 'auto', t is selected according to the knee point in the Von Neumann Entropy of the diffusion operator gamma : float, optional, default: 1 Informational distance constant between -1 and 1. `gamma=1` gives the PHATE log potential, `gamma=0` gives a square root potential. n_pca : int, optional, default: 100 Number of principal components to use for calculating neighborhoods. For extremely large datasets, using n_pca < 20 allows neighborhoods to be calculated in roughly log(n_samples) time. mds_solver : {'sgd', 'smacof'}, optional (default: 'sgd') which solver to use for metric MDS. SGD is substantially faster, but produces slightly less optimal results. Note that SMACOF was used for all figures in the PHATE paper. knn_dist : string, optional, default: 'euclidean' recommended values: 'euclidean', 'cosine', 'precomputed' Any metric from `scipy.spatial.distance` can be used distance metric for building kNN graph. Custom distance functions of form `f(x, y) = d` are also accepted. If 'precomputed', `data` should be an n_samples x n_samples distance or affinity matrix. Distance matrices are assumed to have zeros down the diagonal, while affinity matrices are assumed to have non-zero values down the diagonal. This is detected automatically using `data[0,0]`. You can override this detection with `knn_dist='precomputed_distance'` or `knn_dist='precomputed_affinity'`. knn_max : int, optional, default: None Maximum number of neighbors for which alpha decaying kernel is computed for each point. For very large datasets, setting `knn_max` to a small multiple of `knn` can speed up computation significantly. mds_dist : string, optional, default: 'euclidean' recommended values: 'euclidean' and 'cosine' Any metric from `scipy.spatial.distance` can be used distance metric for MDS mds : string, optional, default: 'metric' choose from ['classic', 'metric', 'nonmetric']. Selects which MDS algorithm is used for dimensionality reduction n_jobs : integer, optional, default: 1 The number of jobs to use for the computation. If -1 all CPUs are used. If 1 is given, no parallel computing code is used at all, which is useful for debugging. For n_jobs below -1, (n_cpus + 1 + n_jobs) are used. Thus for n_jobs = -2, all CPUs but one are used random_state : integer or numpy.RandomState, optional, default: None The generator used to initialize SMACOF (metric, nonmetric) MDS If an integer is given, it fixes the seed Defaults to the global `numpy` random number generator verbose : `int` or `boolean`, optional (default: 1) If `True` or `> 0`, print status messages Examples -------- >>> import phate >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> tree_data, tree_clusters = phate.tree.gen_dla(n_dim=50, n_branch=5, ... branch_length=50) >>> tree_data.shape (250, 50) >>> phate_operator = phate.PHATE(knn=5, decay=20, t=150) >>> tree_phate = phate_operator.fit_transform(tree_data) >>> tree_phate.shape (250, 2) >>> phate_operator.set_params(n_components=10) PHATE(decay=20, knn=5, knn_dist='euclidean', mds='metric', mds_dist='euclidean', n_components=10, n_jobs=1, n_landmark=2000, n_pca=100, potential_method='log', random_state=None, t=150, verbose=1) >>> tree_phate = phate_operator.transform() >>> tree_phate.shape (250, 10) >>> # plt.scatter(tree_phate[:,0], tree_phate[:,1], c=tree_clusters) >>> # Returns ------- self """ reset_kernel = False reset_potential = False reset_embedding = False # mds parameters if "n_components" in params and params["n_components"] != self.n_components: self.n_components = params["n_components"] reset_embedding = True del params["n_components"] if "mds" in params and params["mds"] != self.mds: self.mds = params["mds"] reset_embedding = True del params["mds"] if "mds_solver" in params and params["mds_solver"] != self.mds_solver: self.mds_solver = params["mds_solver"] reset_embedding = True del params["mds_solver"] if "mds_dist" in params and params["mds_dist"] != self.mds_dist: self.mds_dist = params["mds_dist"] reset_embedding = True del params["mds_dist"] # diff potential parameters if "t" in params and params["t"] != self.t: self.t = params["t"] reset_potential = True del params["t"] if "potential_method" in params: if params["potential_method"] == "log": params["gamma"] = 1 elif params["potential_method"] == "sqrt": params["gamma"] = 0 else: raise ValueError( "potential_method {} not recognized. Please " "use gamma between -1 and 1".format(params["potential_method"]) ) warnings.warn( "potential_method is deprecated. Setting gamma to {} to " "achieve {} transformation.".format( params["gamma"], params["potential_method"] ), FutureWarning, ) del params["potential_method"] if "gamma" in params and params["gamma"] != self.gamma: self.gamma = params["gamma"] reset_potential = True del params["gamma"] # kernel parameters if "k" in params and params["k"] != self.knn: self.knn = params["k"] reset_kernel = True del params["k"] if "a" in params and params["a"] != self.decay: self.decay = params["a"] reset_kernel = True del params["a"] if "knn" in params and params["knn"] != self.knn: self.knn = params["knn"] reset_kernel = True del params["knn"] if "knn_max" in params and params["knn_max"] != self.knn_max: self.knn_max = params["knn_max"] reset_kernel = True del params["knn_max"] if "decay" in params and params["decay"] != self.decay: self.decay = params["decay"] reset_kernel = True del params["decay"] if "n_pca" in params: if self.X is not None and params["n_pca"] >= np.min(self.X.shape): params["n_pca"] = None if params["n_pca"] != self.n_pca: self.n_pca = params["n_pca"] reset_kernel = True del params["n_pca"] if "knn_dist" in params and params["knn_dist"] != self.knn_dist: self.knn_dist = params["knn_dist"] reset_kernel = True del params["knn_dist"] if "n_landmark" in params and params["n_landmark"] != self.n_landmark: if self.n_landmark is None or params["n_landmark"] is None: # need a different type of graph, reset entirely self._reset_graph() else: self._set_graph_params(n_landmark=params["n_landmark"]) self.n_landmark = params["n_landmark"] del params["n_landmark"] # parameters that don't change the embedding if "n_jobs" in params: self.n_jobs = params["n_jobs"] self._set_graph_params(n_jobs=params["n_jobs"]) del params["n_jobs"] if "random_state" in params: self.random_state = params["random_state"] self._set_graph_params(random_state=params["random_state"]) del params["random_state"] if "verbose" in params: self.verbose = params["verbose"] _logger.set_level(self.verbose) self._set_graph_params(verbose=params["verbose"]) del params["verbose"] if reset_kernel: # can't reset the graph kernel without making a new graph self._reset_graph() if reset_potential: self._reset_potential() if reset_embedding: self._reset_embedding() self._set_graph_params(**params) self._check_params() return self
[docs] def reset_mds(self, **kwargs): """ Deprecated. Reset parameters related to multidimensional scaling Parameters ---------- n_components : int, optional, default: None If given, sets number of dimensions in which the data will be embedded mds : string, optional, default: None choose from ['classic', 'metric', 'nonmetric'] If given, sets which MDS algorithm is used for dimensionality reduction mds_dist : string, optional, default: None recommended values: 'euclidean' and 'cosine' Any metric from scipy.spatial.distance can be used If given, sets the distance metric for MDS """ warnings.warn( "PHATE.reset_mds is deprecated. " "Please use PHATE.set_params in future.", FutureWarning, ) self.set_params(**kwargs)
[docs] def reset_potential(self, **kwargs): """ Deprecated. Reset parameters related to the diffusion potential Parameters ---------- t : int or 'auto', optional, default: None Power to which the diffusion operator is powered If given, sets the level of diffusion potential_method : string, optional, default: None choose from ['log', 'sqrt'] If given, sets which transformation of the diffusional operator is used to compute the diffusion potential """ warnings.warn( "PHATE.reset_potential is deprecated. " "Please use PHATE.set_params in future.", FutureWarning, ) self.set_params(**kwargs)
def _parse_input(self, X): # passing graphs to PHATE if isinstance(X, graphtools.graphs.LandmarkGraph) or ( isinstance(X, graphtools.base.BaseGraph) and self.n_landmark is None ): self.graph = X X = n_pca = self.graph.n_pca update_graph = False if isinstance(self.graph, graphtools.graphs.TraditionalGraph): precomputed = self.graph.precomputed else: precomputed = None return X, n_pca, precomputed, update_graph elif isinstance(X, graphtools.base.BaseGraph): self.graph = None X = X.kernel precomputed = "affinity" n_pca = None update_graph = False return X, n_pca, precomputed, update_graph else: try: if isinstance(X, pygsp.graphs.Graph): self.graph = None X = X.W precomputed = "adjacency" update_graph = False n_pca = None return X, n_pca, precomputed, update_graph except NameError: # pygsp not installed pass # checks on regular data update_graph = True try: if isinstance(X, anndata.AnnData): X = X.X except NameError: # anndata not installed pass if not callable(self.knn_dist) and self.knn_dist.startswith("precomputed"): if self.knn_dist == "precomputed": # automatic detection if isinstance(X, sparse.coo_matrix): X = X.tocsr() if X[0, 0] == 0: precomputed = "distance" else: precomputed = "affinity" elif self.knn_dist in ["precomputed_affinity", "precomputed_distance"]: precomputed = self.knn_dist.split("_")[1] else: raise ValueError( "knn_dist {} not recognized. Did you mean " "'precomputed_distance', " "'precomputed_affinity', or 'precomputed' " "(automatically detects distance or affinity)?" ) n_pca = None else: precomputed = None if self.n_pca is None or self.n_pca >= np.min(X.shape): n_pca = None else: n_pca = self.n_pca return X, n_pca, precomputed, update_graph def _update_graph(self, X, precomputed, n_pca, n_landmark): if self.X is not None and not utils.matrix_is_equivalent(X, self.X): """ If the same data is used, we can reuse existing kernel and diffusion matrices. Otherwise we have to recompute. """ self._reset_graph() else: try: self.graph.set_params( decay=self.decay, knn=self.knn, knn_max=self.knn_max, distance=self.knn_dist, precomputed=precomputed, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, verbose=self.verbose, n_pca=n_pca, n_landmark=n_landmark, random_state=self.random_state, )"Using precomputed graph and diffusion operator...") except ValueError as e: # something changed that should have invalidated the graph _logger.debug("Reset graph due to {}".format(str(e))) self._reset_graph()
[docs] def fit(self, X): """Computes the diffusion operator Parameters ---------- X : array, shape=[n_samples, n_features] input data with `n_samples` samples and `n_dimensions` dimensions. Accepted data types: `numpy.ndarray`, `scipy.sparse.spmatrix`, `pd.DataFrame`, `anndata.AnnData`. If `knn_dist` is 'precomputed', `data` should be a n_samples x n_samples distance or affinity matrix Returns ------- phate_operator : PHATE The estimator object """ X, n_pca, precomputed, update_graph = self._parse_input(X) if precomputed is None: "Running PHATE on {} observations and {} variables.".format( X.shape[0], X.shape[1] ) ) else: "Running PHATE on precomputed {} matrix with {} observations.".format( precomputed, X.shape[0] ) ) if self.n_landmark is None or X.shape[0] <= self.n_landmark: n_landmark = None else: n_landmark = self.n_landmark if self.graph is not None and update_graph: self._update_graph(X, precomputed, n_pca, n_landmark) self.X = X if self.graph is None: with _logger.log_task("graph and diffusion operator"): self.graph = graphtools.Graph( X, n_pca=n_pca, n_landmark=n_landmark, distance=self.knn_dist, precomputed=precomputed, knn=self.knn, knn_max=self.knn_max, decay=self.decay, thresh=1e-4, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, verbose=self.verbose, random_state=self.random_state, **(self.kwargs) ) # landmark op doesn't build unless forced self.diff_op return self
[docs] def transform(self, X=None, t_max=100, plot_optimal_t=False, ax=None): """Computes the position of the cells in the embedding space Parameters ---------- X : array, optional, shape=[n_samples, n_features] input data with `n_samples` samples and `n_dimensions` dimensions. Not required, since PHATE does not currently embed cells not given in the input matrix to ``. Accepted data types: `numpy.ndarray`, `scipy.sparse.spmatrix`, `pd.DataFrame`, `anndata.AnnData`. If `knn_dist` is 'precomputed', `data` should be a n_samples x n_samples distance or affinity matrix t_max : int, optional, default: 100 maximum t to test if `t` is set to 'auto' plot_optimal_t : boolean, optional, default: False If true and `t` is set to 'auto', plot the Von Neumann entropy used to select t ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional If given and `plot_optimal_t` is true, plot will be drawn on the given axis. Returns ------- embedding : array, shape=[n_samples, n_dimensions] The cells embedded in a lower dimensional space using PHATE """ if self.graph is None: raise NotFittedError( "This PHATE instance is not fitted yet. Call " "'fit' with appropriate arguments before " "using this method." ) elif X is not None and not utils.matrix_is_equivalent(X, self.X): # fit to external data warnings.warn( "Pre-fit PHATE should not be used to transform a " "new data matrix. Please fit PHATE to the new" " data by running 'fit' with the new data.", RuntimeWarning, ) if ( isinstance(self.graph, graphtools.graphs.TraditionalGraph) and self.graph.precomputed is not None ): raise ValueError( "Cannot transform additional data using a " "precomputed distance matrix." ) else: if self.embedding is None: self.transform() transitions = self.graph.extend_to_data(X) return self.graph.interpolate(self.embedding, transitions) else: diff_potential = self._calculate_potential( t_max=t_max, plot_optimal_t=plot_optimal_t, ax=ax ) if self.embedding is None: with _logger.log_task("{} MDS".format(self.mds)): self.embedding = mds.embed_MDS( diff_potential, ndim=self.n_components, how=self.mds, solver=self.mds_solver, distance_metric=self.mds_dist, n_jobs=self.n_jobs, seed=self.random_state, verbose=max(self.verbose - 1, 0), ) if isinstance(self.graph, graphtools.graphs.LandmarkGraph): _logger.debug("Extending to original data...") return self.graph.interpolate(self.embedding) else: return self.embedding
[docs] def fit_transform(self, X, **kwargs): """Computes the diffusion operator and the position of the cells in the embedding space Parameters ---------- X : array, shape=[n_samples, n_features] input data with `n_samples` samples and `n_dimensions` dimensions. Accepted data types: `numpy.ndarray`, `scipy.sparse.spmatrix`, `pd.DataFrame`, `anndata.AnnData` If `knn_dist` is 'precomputed', `data` should be a n_samples x n_samples distance or affinity matrix kwargs : further arguments for `PHATE.transform()` Keyword arguments as specified in :func:`~phate.PHATE.transform` Returns ------- embedding : array, shape=[n_samples, n_dimensions] The cells embedded in a lower dimensional space using PHATE """ with _logger.log_task("PHATE"): embedding = self.transform(**kwargs) return embedding
def _calculate_potential(self, t=None, t_max=100, plot_optimal_t=False, ax=None): """Calculates the diffusion potential Parameters ---------- t : int power to which the diffusion operator is powered sets the level of diffusion t_max : int, default: 100 Maximum value of `t` to test plot_optimal_t : boolean, default: False If true, plots the Von Neumann Entropy and knee point ax : matplotlib.Axes, default: None If plot=True and ax is not None, plots the VNE on the given axis Otherwise, creates a new axis and displays the plot Returns ------- diff_potential : array-like, shape=[n_samples, n_samples] The diffusion potential fit on the input data """ if t is None: t = self.t if self._diff_potential is None: if t == "auto": t = self._find_optimal_t(t_max=t_max, plot=plot_optimal_t, ax=ax) else: t = self.t with _logger.log_task("diffusion potential"): # diffused diffusion operator diff_op_t = np.linalg.matrix_power(self.diff_op, t) if self.gamma == 1: # handling small values diff_op_t = diff_op_t + 1e-7 self._diff_potential = -1 * np.log(diff_op_t) elif self.gamma == -1: self._diff_potential = diff_op_t else: c = (1 - self.gamma) / 2 self._diff_potential = ((diff_op_t) ** c) / c elif plot_optimal_t: self._find_optimal_t(t_max=t_max, plot=plot_optimal_t, ax=ax) return self._diff_potential def _von_neumann_entropy(self, t_max=100): """Calculate Von Neumann Entropy Determines the Von Neumann entropy of the diffusion affinities at varying levels of `t`. The user should select a value of `t` around the "knee" of the entropy curve. We require that 'fit' stores the value of `PHATE.diff_op` in order to calculate the Von Neumann entropy. Parameters ---------- t_max : int, default: 100 Maximum value of `t` to test Returns ------- entropy : array, shape=[t_max] The entropy of the diffusion affinities for each value of `t` """ t = np.arange(t_max) return t, vne.compute_von_neumann_entropy(self.diff_op, t_max=t_max) def _find_optimal_t(self, t_max=100, plot=False, ax=None): """Find the optimal value of t Selects the optimal value of t based on the knee point of the Von Neumann Entropy of the diffusion operator. Parameters ---------- t_max : int, default: 100 Maximum value of t to test plot : boolean, default: False If true, plots the Von Neumann Entropy and knee point ax : matplotlib.Axes, default: None If plot=True and ax is not None, plots the VNE on the given axis Otherwise, creates a new axis and displays the plot Returns ------- t_opt : int The optimal value of t """ with _logger.log_task("optimal t"): t, h = self._von_neumann_entropy(t_max=t_max) t_opt = vne.find_knee_point(y=h, x=t)"Automatically selected t = {}".format(t_opt)) if plot: if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() show = True else: show = False ax.plot(t, h) ax.scatter(t_opt, h[t == t_opt], marker="*", c="k", s=50) ax.set_xlabel("t") ax.set_ylabel("Von Neumann Entropy") ax.set_title("Optimal t = {}".format(t_opt)) if show: self.optimal_t = t_opt return t_opt